Threat intelligence, dark web surveillance of threat actors and digital assets
Our SASE Buyers Guide aims to assist organizations in evaluating their SASE readiness. By providing insights about your organization, through answering a few questions, the Buyers Guide offers direction on where to begin, outlines potential service and vendor strategies and provides the essential steps to initiate your SASE journey.
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Orange Cyberdefense is pleased to announce the launch of two managed security services that complement the security features of Microsoft 365 Defender and that are available to customers across all sectors.
Read the full story hereOrange Cyberdefense is the expert cybersecurity business unit of the Orange Group, providing consulting, solutions and services to organizations around the globe. As Europe’s go-to security provider, we strive to protect freedom and build a safer digital society.
We are threat research, intelligence-driven, offering unparalleled access to current and emerging threats. With a 25+ year track record in information security, 250+ researchers & analysts and 18 SOCs distributed across the world and sales and services support in 160 countries, we can offer global protection with local expertise and support our customers throughout the entire threat lifecycle.
We also embed security into Orange Business solutions for multinationals worldwide.
Threat intelligence, dark web surveillance of threat actors and digital assets
Assessments, ethical hacking and footprinting
Security for networks, applications & data, endpoint protection, Identity & access management, vulnerability management
Managed threat detection (endpoint, logs & network), 24/7 CyberSoc service, threat intelligence
Rapid incident response, cyber resilience and digital forensics
We offer you a wide range of consulting, planning, products, implementation and services to help you
To get ahead of the storm, one has to know the weather. And for long-term planning, it is inevitable to get expert insight into climate changes.
Though the cyber threat landscape appears to be volatile, fast-changing and chaotic at first glance, it is driven by systemic forces. Reading these forces will result in better, more effective prevention, detection and response.
That is why intelligence is at the heart of everything we do.
What experts recommendyears track record in information security
rogue sites blocked per year
open day and night all year round
logs & events ingested daily by threat detection platforms
employees based around the globe
published papers & presentations at cyber-conferences over the last year
researchers & analysts
Identify threats before they have any business impact